Caroline Flynn of Intuitive Solutions

Explore Your Inner World

In Gratitude To You

Hi to you amazing people! I am so excited since the Cork Mind Body Spirit event that was on over the weekend just gone. The weather was shocking but it didn’t stop the amazing Corkonian spirit and so there was a great turn out. I got to meet some lovely people and I loved delivering my talks to you on both days. Thank you so much for attending and coming up to me afterwards to talk to me. I absolutely love that.

On the Angel reading talk I told you I was offering a gift to one of you for attending and so that lucky person will be contacted by the end of this week. If they are ok with me revealing who they are then I can do that, however due to the new privacy laws in place now I may not be able to.

I am super excited about hosting Healing Soul Contracts in May for you and I am even more excited to see the changes your going to create for yourself in your life. Listen you are so much more capable that you were lead to believe and I’m here to show you other possibilities. So watch this space! Not on my Newsletter list yet then click below.

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